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Sustainable Sunday Quote #1

By 07:00 , , ,

What is a goal-oriented blog without a little inspiration and motivation from time to time? Let me introduce you to the weekly Sunday rubric of Our Toxic Fashion: the Sustainable Sunday Quote. In the words of the legendary John Lennon, some say that I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. Many clever minds before me have spoken, written or sung beautiful words that deserve to be shared. From fashionistas like Coco Channel to environmentalists like Anna Lappé, on Sundays, Our Toxic Fashion will give them a stage! Ready for the first one?

The Sustainable Sunday Quote

                                “Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want.”

This is a quote by Anna Lappé, famous for her books on food systems and founding principal of the Small Planet Institute. This quote is then also initially meant for the food industry, however, in my opinion, it fits every commercial industry like a glove. The fashion industry is, just like most other industries, regulated by demand and supply. And as the scientist Giddens pointed out, there are structures that pre-exist us, but we have the agency to change those. Therefore if we act upon our agency, and demand different processes of producing clothes, we can change the current fashion industry. I strongly believe in this principle, hence in the following blogposts I will aim to give tips on how to shop so that you demand more sustainable clothes.

Write it down

So from now on, shout it from the rooftops, write it on the skylines, or perhaps just make a note in your agenda: Every Sunday from now on there will be a new SSQ!

Stay fashionable, stay sustainable.
Until next time!   

Ps. Bonus points for the ones who got the lyric references hidden within the texts.  

Anna Blythe Lappé. (n.d.). Smallplanet.org. Retrieved 2 September 2016, from http://smallplanet.org/about/anna/bio
Cheney, G., Christensen, L. T., Zorn Jr., T. E., & Ganesh, S. (2010).Organizational Communication
in an Age of Globalization: Issues, Reflections, Practices (2nd Ed.).
Lappé, A., (2013). O Magazine.

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