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Sustainable Sunday Quote #3

By 07:00 ,

What is a goal-oriented blog without a little inspiration and motivation from time to time? Let me introduce you to the weekly Sunday rubric of Our Toxic Fashion: the Sustainable Sunday Quote. In the words of the legendary John Lennon, some say that I am a dreamer, but I am not the only oneMany clever minds before me have spoken, written or sung beautiful words that deserve to be shared. From fashionistas like Coco Channel to environmentalists like Anna Lappé, on Sundays, Our Toxic Fashion will give them a stage! Ready for the third one?

The Sustainable Sunday Quote

                                “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”

You might actually have heard these words before, as these are the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi is mainly known for his pacifist teaching of tolerance, not harming any living beings and his vegetarianism. Ever since he was born in the 19th century, he has been a great inspiration for many. Today, he was also the inspiration for this blog post. Even though the quote on first sight might have more to do with ethical fashion than sustainable fashion, in this case, the two are - in my opinion - highly connected. In the current consumer culture we are constantly striving to own the latest, the newest and the trendiest, without thinking much about the consequences, on both humans and ecosystems involved.

Starting with the ecosystems, as these not only provide us with resources but actually provide us with various services. During the Millennium Ecosystem Assesment, these services were divided into four groups: (1) producing drinkable water, (2) stabilizing the climate, (3) supporting the food chain (for instance crop pollination) and lastly (4) providing recreation for humans. This might sound rather straightforward. However, this fact that we as humans actually need our ecosystems to provide us with these services, is a fact the fashion industry often 'forgets' to take into account.

The ecosystems are being overlooked and that, all for fashion. Which brings me to the next Gandhi quote: "There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness."

Write it down

So from now on, shout it from the rooftops, write it on the skylines, or perhaps just make a note in your agenda: Every Sunday from now on there will be a new SSQ!

Stay fashionable, stay sustainable.
Until next time!   

Ps. Bonus points for the ones who got the lyric references hidden within the texts.  



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